четвъртък, 1 декември 2016 г.

SEE River Toolkit


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The SEE River Project successfully developed the SEE River Toolkit, a generally applicable model and guidance how to reach common agreement on river management for the harmonisation of both – development and conservation interests. It is an innovative tool, based on local and international experience that outlines a new direction and represents a good basis for the future sustainable use of river corridors. The toolkit promotes techniques for communication, dialogue and facilitation. It was prepared concretely, but worked out on a general level to assure that it could be used on other river corridors, too. It was developed through communication and active involvement of local stakeholders and supported by the international exchange of various experience and good practices.


References to the Protocol http://www.hydrosustainability.org/references.aspx

Government of Germany: Compliance with environmental and social standards for large dam projects

Report of a discussion in the German parliament regarding hydropower and development cooperation at bilateral and multilateral level.
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EON: The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol in practice – a utility’s perspective

Sustainability has become a highly important consideration for utilities as they strive for competitive advantage through differentiation. The Protocol, comprehensive in scope and endorsed by multiple stakeholders, is a recommended tool for the assessment of a hydropower project’s or plant’s sustainability performance. The value created during this assessment and by the derived sustainability profile justifies the investment necessary to conduct such a protocol application.
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ICPDR: Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Danube Basin: Guiding Principles.

International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)“Guiding Principles” are primarily addressed to public bodies and competent authorities responsible for the planning and authorization of hydropower but are also relevant for potential investors in the hydropower sector as well as NGOs and the interested public.
 Download (pdf 1.2mb)

IIED: A review of social and environmental safeguards for large dam projects

This review seeks to clarify the evolving context for international support for large hydropower in developing countries, and the links to international carbon financing as a perceived route to climate change mitigation, including carbon trading systems.
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IIED: Hydropower sustainability assessments can unlock carbon financing

Public funding of hydropower through multilateral channels has grown, but many OECD governments are reluctant to expand support through carbon financing schemes, largely due to controversy over dams’ environmental and social impacts. The Protocol can help realise lawmakers’ aspirations to use OECD support only for socially and environmentally acceptable hydropower and to foster renewable energy resources that complement each other.
 Download (pdf 40kb)

IIED: The business case for bilateral support to improve sustainability of private sector hydropower

This paper explores the practical reality where government regulators, public entities, commercial lenders and private developers all play roles in reaching decisions about responsible private investment and managing risk. It also proposes aligning international public financial support through bilateral and multilateral channels, where public- and private-sector roles in delivering sustainability are intertwined.
 Download (pdf 376kb)

IIED: Managing the environmental and social risks of hydropower: private and public roles

Private sector hydropower projects are driven primarily by returns on equity investment balanced by perceptions of risk. This can lead to concerns that such projects may overlook environmental and social (E&S) issues that are fundamental to sustainability. But the two need not be mutually exclusive. We present the business case for adopting the E&S risk management tools.
 Download (pdf 95kb)

IHA: Progress with the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol

This paper describes the development of the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol and discusses the success achieved in its first four years of implementation.
 Download (pdf 274kb)

IHA: Using the Protocol to avoid project delay

The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol is the most effective tool currently available to measure non-technical risks associated with a hydropower project. Its use could help developers deliver projects on time and to budget. A survey of 42 international hydropower projects which experienced pre-construction delay showed that a Protocol assessment would have identified the cause of delay in 44% of the cases.
 Download (pdf 391kb)

The Nature Conservancy: The Power of Rivers

Finding balance between energy and conservation in hydropower development
 Download (pdf 9mb)

World Bank: The Protocol for use by World Bank clients: lessons learned and recommendations.

Guidance on how the Protocol can be used by World Bank clients is based on the suitability of the tool in developing country contexts, the tool’s value proposition for clients, its cost and ease of use, and its potential impact on project performance.
 Download (pdf 1.8mb)

WWF: Everything you need to know about the UN Watercourses Convention

In 1997, more than one hundred nations joined together to adopt the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UNWC)—a flexible and overarching global legal framework that establishes basic standards and rules for cooperation between watercourse states on the use, management, and protection of international watercourses. As of June 2014, the convention counted 35 contracting states and entered into force on August 17, 2014.
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Demand-side management
​Demand-side management means transferring electricity consumption from hours of high load and price to a more affordably priced time, or temporarily adjusting consumption for the purpose of power balance management. More demand-side management is needed as the amount of inflexible production, such as nuclear power and renewable energy, in the grid increases. Inflexible production sets challenges on the current market model, where only energy is traded. Increasing demand-side management is one method of securing the survival of the current market model also in the future.
In Finland, loads from large-scale industry have, for a long time, acted as reserves used for maintaining the power balance; however, these loads are mainly focused on industry such as forestry and the metal and chemical industries. Demand-side management is a natural opportunity to increase supply on both regulating power and reserve markets.
A novel idea on the electricity market is also so-called aggregators, i.e. companies that combine small-scale consumption and production to a larger entity, which can participate in different markets. The small-scale production of a consumer can be considered similar to demand-side management, if it reacts to the market situation and decreases the amount of electricity the party takes from the grid; these include the back-up power generators of buildings and commercial premises.
Participating in demand-side management can, at first, require investments from companies, but in the long term, it can offer a cost-efficient solution for both the company and the national economy.
The amount of demand-side management on the Finnish market in 2016:

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