понеделник, 1 януари 2018 г.

Resources on overseas investments of Chinese hydropower companies

Тема за бъдещи размисли и заплахи - Китай от години е основен инвеститор в големи язовири и ВЕЦ по цял свят.  Тази дейност унищожава ценни реки и е причина за редица конфликти.  Процетете повече за това, по долу:

International Rivers' latest China global dams database is now publicly available. It is the only comprehensive database that includes all of the dams (outside of China) in which Chinese companies are involved. The database is now easier to use and search. There is also an analysis that explains the trends in Chinese global dam building over the past ten years.

Link: www.internationalrivers.org/blogs/435/reflections-on-chinese-companies%E2%80%99-global-investments-in-the-hydropower-sector-between-2006

This is a podcast that recently came out on the work of International Rivers in China. It includes a brief discussion of a site visit to the Nam Ou hydropower cascade (and meetings with PowerChina Resources).

Link: http://beijingenergynetwork.com/environment-china-podcast (Title: Oh Dam! Pumping Sustainability into Chinese Hydropower Investments)

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