вторник, 12 февруари 2019 г.
0120 - МВЕЦ Калето - 2019-02-02
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0120 - МВЕЦ Калето - 2019-02-02
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сряда, 6 февруари 2019 г.
Кореспонденция между Балканка и Европейската комисия
Обръщаме внимание, че сме включили малко и за мините в Бор, Сърбия, които се развиват безпрепятствено и под благосклонните погледи на министрествата тровят безобразно Тимок и Дунав. Чудно докога, зедно с братята сърби, МОСВ си мисли, че ще продължава това?
Във връзка с пилотната процедура сме включили също така радостната новина за още два случая с трети ВЕЦ-ове на Ощавска и на Огоста, за които МОСВ бяха обещавали, че няма да бъдат допуснати, пък те вече са построени, тоест пак МОСВ са излъгали ГД Околна Среда. Ако си спомняте, сдружение Балканка нееднокатно настоява МОСВ да не лъжат, за да не се налага да ги разобличаваме и заедно да се излагаме допълнително.
Прикачили сме малко снимки на новия ВЕЦ на Ощавска, показващи че енергийната сигурност на страната е все по-обезпечена и да не се тревожите повече по въпроса.
Ето Ви малко снимки от новия ВЕЦ на Ощавска:
Обръщаме Ви внимание също така, че сме включили малко и за Наредбата за рибните проходи и Методиката за минималния допустим отток, защото за първата МОСВ са изпаднали в тежка форма на загуба на ентусиазъм, а втората изобщо не влиза в творческите планове на Нено и компания.
Накрая Ви информираме, че възразяваме най-категорично срещу промените в ЗБР във връзка с подходите за управление на мрежата Натура 2000 и безрезервно подкрепяме възраженията на научните институти на БАН и Софийски университет.
Причината е, че не сме съгласни хора като приятеля на сдружението - Димитър Канариев /този недооценен и все още нереализиран докрай "Наполеон" на Черноморието/ да управляват мрежата, защото не могат да различат главоч от ручеен рак!
Ако не ни вярвате, питайте го заедно с другия гласовит приятел на сдружението - "Ханибалът" на планинския екотуризъм Филип Цанов /алюзията с известния покорител на Алпите със слонове ли беше или с камили и други защитени видове, не е случайна/, каква е например разликата между pSCI, SCI, SAC и SPA и ще видите за каква чудовищна компетентност става дума изобщо въобще.
Предстои едно интересно обсъждане на промените в ЗБР във вторник заедно с Вас и с такива "експерти"...
Приятно четене на прикачената кореспонденция.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Cc: ENV-CHAP@ec.europa.eu, cab-karmenu-vella-contact@ec.europa.eu,
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2019 10:59:38 +0200 (EET)
Subject: Re: Ares(2019)466491 - Reply to Complaint to the Commission, Appendix No 8-A (EUP(2017)9183)
Dear Mrs. Bourdy,
Dear friends,
Thank you very much for your e-mail dated 28 January and many thanks to commissioner Vella for the concerns regarding the Bosilegrad-Kyustendil ecocatastrophe.
I would like to also inform DG ENV about a conference held in Bosilegrad on 24 January organized by the Mayor who is a huge mining fan, where local people also declared that they request an overall impact assessment of all present and future industrial activities in the transboundary Bosilegrad - Kyustendil region to be conducted by an independent international team of experts, because local people, just like us, don't have any reason to believe Bulgarian and Serbian environmental authorities, since they have tried their best to sweep the case under the carpet in the last months. It took us two protests held in Bosilegrad and one in Sofia to put enough media and public pressure on both ministers of environment at least to meet each other in Dimitrovgrad, where they declared that there may possibly be some minor problem and some action will be undertaken, only in the unknown future...
Here is what local environmental NGOs in Bosilegrad say at the conference - watch the video at 0:40 minutes from the start:
Sorry it is in Serbian, but the exact translation means that they insist on Independent International Transboundary Impact Assessment to be carried out in a timely manner, at least before future mining and/or hydropower projects in the region are developed any further.
Concerning the transboundary issues between Bulgaria and Serbia, we would like as well to add the huge Bor Open Pit Mining Area impact in Serbia too. In the following link you can see a picture of the Borska River below that area, which is a tributary to the fully poisoned transboundary Timok River that runs along the border and into the Danube.
Those Serbs - they obviously have no hearts, and our authorities - they pitifully have no guts.
As for the progress of the Pilot application, we would like to point out that the problematic issues addressed in our complaints are horizontal and really of great importance, because we will end up with no living rivers very soon and this will adversely affect all living creatures, including for example all kind of birds, whether endangered or not. Dried to the bottom riverbeds, together with the swamps those water catchments are turning into, are not of any help as far as air quality and climate change are concerned either. And our authorities are doing their best of nothing trying only to deceive DG ENV that they do something.
Just to give you an example - last week we managed to discover that a new small hydro, third one on the Oshtavska River in the Pirin moutain in a Natura 2000 Habitats and Birds Directive sites, is ready to start operation, regardless of the declarations of our ministry of environment conveyed to DG ENV under the EU Pilot that on the same river they will not authorize new hydro plants to be developed, besides the two existing plants in operation.
The same goes for a new third one on the Ogosta River which is now under construction in another Natura 2000 Habitats Directive site.
So our proud authorities keep lying to DG ENV all the time that they do something in the positive direction.
We still don't have the national Guide on Fish Passes Design, Maintenance and Monitoring either - four years after the problem was addressed in our first complaint, not to speak about the Methodology on the E-flow determination and measurement. Thus we still don't have that poor E-flow running in our rivers below the intakes.
Finally, if it wasn't for us crying out loud as we can, the Bosilegrad case would not have become public, and the case must have been addressed by our environmental authorities instead of us, because it is their job, right?
Not that we are trying to undermine the Kaliakra or the air pollution issues of course, but we strongly believe that the ongoing total river destruction is not of lesser importance. By any means it's not, having in mind that at least 90% of the infringements we described are located inside both Natura 2000 Habitats and Birds Directieves sites.
Therefore, if we can do anything more to help DG ENV with the Pilot application, please let us know. We will do our best, because this is our only hope.
In the end I would like to underline again that for the Bosilegrad - Kyustendil case an international impact assessment, carried out by experts, independent from both Bulgarian and Serbian authorities, is the only way to find a reasonable solution.
Kind regards
Balkanka Association, Sofia, Bulgaria
>Относно: Ares(2019)466491 - Reply to Complaint to the Commission, Appendix No 8-A (EUP(2017)9183)
>Изпратено на: 28.01.2019 12:41
Dear Mr ,
Please find attached, on behalf of Ms Sabine Bourdy, a reply to your complaint to the Commission, Appendix No 8-A (EUP(2017)9183)".
Please note that this letter is sent by email only, no hard copy will be mailed.
Best regards,
European Commission
Directorate-General Environment
Mainstreaming & Environmental Assessments
Unit ENV E1 - B-1049 Brussels/Belgium –BU-9 02/173
Dear Mr ,
Commissioner Vella has asked me to thank you for your e-mail of 9 January 2019 in which you provide the Commission services with yet another Annex (8a) to your complaint, now dealt with under EUP(2017)9183.
This particular information concerns relations with Serbia; therefore, we have made it available to the relevant Commission services, responsible for the dialogue with this country.
As I have already informed you in my previous letter, this file involves the assessment of an excess amount of information and documentation, submitted both by you and the Bulgarian authorities. Moreover, due to the need to address other priority files (i.e. cases which have reached the Court such as protection of Kaliakra, substandard landfills and pollution due to PM10), our services are not in a position to advance as swiftly as in the abovementioned cases. We will do our best and we will keep you informed of our assessment.
Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
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